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T4G is a new social network where members

Collect kindness and thank yous

Instead of 'likes' and 'shares'.

Give time, collect thank yous, kindness, and rewards.

How it works...


Join circles based on where you live, what you like and what you’re good at.

Circles are where offers and requests live. Micro volunteer for charities, causes or your friends and neighbours. Like helping Ben fix his bike.


The time you spend micro volunteering is recorded.

The charity or cause (or Ben) send a ‘thank you’ to add to your collection of thank yous.


Repeat. Or request someone’s kindness for yourself.

Because asking is a kindness too.


Kind actions earn Kn (kindness points).

Your Kn unlocks community-based incentives and rewards. Bonus.

101 time trading ideas

Caveman with an iPhone
Time for Good offers and requests


Like you

The kind of people who would help a neighbour in need. Even in their polka dot pyjamas.

charities & causes

That make the world better

Do you need micro volunteers? T4G is the best place to recruit, retain and reward micro volunteers.


Who care

Support circles and a culture of kindness by offering rewards. Or get involved as part of your CSR.

Custard the T4G dog bowing with heart

Be kind

We have two fundamental beliefs:

Firstly, we believe that Custard Creams are a better biscuit that Oreos. Secondly, we believe that humans are kind, helpful and trustworthy by default.

Custard the T4G dog carrying a bag

Trade time

Give some kindness, get some kindness

Post offers and requests. Respond to other people’s offers and requests. Record the time. Collect thank yous and Kn (kindness points), earn rewards.

Custard the T4G dog sitting with a bone

Feel good

Kindness is the jam

Giving AND receiving kindness makes us feel warm AND fuzzy (official science term). Kindness is the jam on your toast. Spread it thick!

Join the world's kindest... waitlist.

Join T4G’s newsletter, and if you live in Plymouth UK (our launch epicentre), win cupcakes! Not just any cupcakes, mama’s homemade chocolate and orange specials!

There’s a pack a week available for new subscribers, chosen at random.

Whether you’re from Plymouth or not, you’ll also get occasional letters from us. Not boring “email newsletters”. Letters, by email.

And only when we have something interesting to say to new friends.

Custard the dog chasing tail
Individual or organisation?
Custard the dog will love you for it. Woof.

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Note: Saving as a draft means your activity will be available for you to edit in your dashboard.​

Selecting delete marks your activity as deleted in your dashboard.​

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Selecting this option will permanently delete your account data. You will no longer have access to your account or any associated information.

If you want to request a copy of your data, please wait until you receive your data before selecting this option.

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